Thursday, October 18, 2012

Goanimate cheats

What´s up bitches! o3o You asked for this blog. Now the cheats:

1.-Chibi peepz at half price
Chibi peepz are so damn expensive. But I found a way to get chibi peepz at 60 gobucks instead of 115 gobucks! Don´t beleive it? Check this:

The second image has a horrible quality. Check the gobucks. As I know, this bug has been fixed. But that´s no match for the next cheat!

2.- Character transfern
This consists in fooling the program leaving the studio or a window with one account open and in other window use other account. I can transfern to your acount the "base" to get chibi peepz at 60 gobucks. Also works to have lil petz.

3.- Create chibi ninjas
You need to do 3 things:
2-A youtube account
3.-Give me your username and password of youtube o3o (why? because I´m the only one who knows how to unlock the character creator)

4.- Mixing themes
Thanks to iceme@t the link is screwed. The second link was dicovered. Now the only way is fooling the program
5.- Bussines themes free
Nothing personal, just bussines
6.- Street fighter
Now this is personal. Those bastards muted me.